Proven Winners

Oct 22, 2024
Proving herself a winner
Imposter syndrome is sneaky. So even after attracting high profile clients through her social media feed, winning several consecutive local awards, and becoming the first ever Canadian designated as a Proven Winners Certified Landscape Professional, landscape designer Samantha Ulasy still hears that voice.
Feb 8, 2022
Proven Winners announces personnel changes
Proven Winners is excited to announce two personnel changes to strengthen support for independent garden centres.

Dec 14, 2021
Proven Winners to begin marketing houseplantsÂ
Proven Winners has announced a partnership with The Plant Company to begin marketing houseplants.

Mar 12, 2020
Proven Winners open house attracts growers and nursery operators
An open house at Ed Sobkowich Greenhouses in Grimsby on July 26 attracted almost 200 visitors.
Nov 1, 2019
Proven Winners names scholarship recipients
Since 2014, Proven Winners has supported horticulture students with an annual scholarship program.
Mar 1, 2019
Proven Winners wins Green Thumb Awards
The Direct Gardening Association (formerly called the Mailorder Gardening Association) presented Proven Winners ColorChoice Illuminati Tiny Tower Philadelphus and Peppy Le Pom Punica granatum, with 2019 Green Thumb Awards for best new plants in the plants, bulbs and seeds division.